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Children's writing: The Monster (using a cliffhanger with a dash and ellipses) - by Hannah


Your skill for writing is shown so perfectly here, Hannah. This piece is oozing with crisp and well-chosen imagery. Your talent with words (when and how to use them) is clear. Having written with you for a long time now, I know exactly how you do this: you don't settle for average. If a word doesn't fit, or a sentence structure is clumsy, you just won't use it and you persevere until you find the best solution. 

Our target for this class was to try a cliffhanger with a dash and ellipses, and yours is at the end of the writing, and it's great:


Jaws widened – I was ready to attack…

Top job!

Let's read ...


The Monster

Hungry, I woke to the noise of the curse; a roaring, a crashing and then the sound of the storm. The curse was what has bound me to the sea, which turns my into a monster. So now I live in the infinite land of blue. Clouds gather and threaten to attack, my lunch was waiting after decades of waiting, almost on the verge of hunger and of death.

This little boat will be sufficient enough for now. My eyes, like a dark abyss, stare and I lunge towards the ship. The reason why I eat these petty humans is because they kill us: cursed for trophies, yet we mean no harm. So our revenge starts now. Jaws widened – I was ready to attack…
