Adding a feeling to action
Are you revising 11+ creative writing at home with your child?
Little and often is a great way to refine sentence techniques.
So, here’s Tip 4 for your child. They’ll probably need about 10-15 minutes to read, digest, and write sentences.
Tip 4 for improving your action sentence is to add a character feeling.
Skill: Feeling + action
Start with the phrase ‘Even though’ + character + feeling + action
Example 1 👇
Even though Yasim was petrified, he put on his finest hair and sunglass disguise and stepped into the room.
Example 2 👇
Even though Sami was unsure, she put on a brave face and stood up to make her speech.
Challenge 🔍
How many different sentences can you write for the picture on this post? The funnier, the better! You could choose your own image or revise something already written.
Here is a list of some feelings words. Use a thesaurus to look up more powerful synonyms for emotions such as ‘sad’, ‘happy’ and ‘scared’).
- Fearful
- Shy
- Unsure
- Angry
- Sad
- Disgusted
- Satisfied
- Contented
- Nervous
- Anxious
- Relieved
- Annoyed
- Raging
- Optimistic
- Agitated
- Resentful
- Dejected
- Fed up
- Disillusioned
I hope you find this helpful to up-level your story action!
Anna 🙂