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The Beach: Quick oral tasks to help with 11+ creative writing


Here's the Week 2 verbal 'writing' task to help with 11+ Creative Writing at home! 

I hope the Week 1 tasks for the forest were useful.

As I said last week, writing revision tasks needn't be long or even written.

Short and snappy verbal exercises support the development of writing. 

They can help your child to think on their feet. They can help your child orally rehearse an idea before putting pen to paper (great if your child's writing often has missing words or sometimes doesn't make sense).

So, here's another short and easily manageable set of three tasks to try.

This week's setting is … the beach. It's a calm beach. It's not a scary beach.

All three tasks use the picture on this post, and there are vocabulary suggestions to help.

So, here goes…

Task 1

Say (or write) a sentence starting with the preposition 'Beneath'. Include something about the sky and the sea.

 Example using some of the vocabulary listed below: Beneath the endless neon-blue sky, the cool sea buzzed with dormant strength.

Task 2

Say (or write) a sentence explaining the sounds of the calm sea. Include personification of the sea.

 Example using some of the vocabulary listed below: Salty waves chittered and chattered as they lapped towards the shimmering bay.

Task 3

Say (or write) a sentence including smell and colour in the description.

 Example using some of the vocabulary listed below: Glucose-sweet wind softly whipped the chalk-dust sand as the Sargasso-blue waters crawled over the bay.

Vocabulary suggestions

Calm sea sound: chittering, cooing, drifting, fluting, lingering

Personification of the sea: buzzing with dormant strength, waves were crawling, sea softly doused the beach

Smells: caramel sweet , salty , glucose sweet

Colours: neon-blue , paradise-blue , Sargasso-blue, plasma-blue , solar-blue , stratosphere-blue

Sand: shimmering , felt like powdered chalk dust , speckled , torc-shaped , fringed with shells

Sky: endless , eternal, measureless

I hope you enjoy the challenges. Share any ideas in the chat if you can!
