Better words for 'said'
I’m sure that you have heard this before, but ‘said’ is a bit of a boring word choice!
There are so many amazing alternatives that can lift your character out of the ordinary into the extraordinary.
Also, if you choose a powerful ‘said’ synonym, then it can lead you easily into writing a super simile as well.
Each of the synonyms below has their own subtle meaning and will change the character’s tone, volume or emotion. Check a dictionary for the meaning if you need to.
1. Broadcast
2. Divulged
3. Proclaimed
4. Revealed
Try a challenge below and post your sentence to help others.
Challenge 1: Use a synonym for ‘said’.
‘My name is Esperanzo,’ revealed the mysterious stranger.
Challenge 2: Now also add a simile.
‘My name is Esperanzo,’ revealed the mysterious stranger in a quiet hiss like a grass snake.