The Calamity - by Akshara
Thank you for sharing your writing, Akshara. Your challenge for this piece of writing was to use exclamation marks, and you've certainly achieved that. In addition, your writing has an engaging start using a verb, and you describe the cat as 'flopped' over a metal motorway bridge. This is a well-chosen verb as it builds a vivid image, as do your other verb choices (e.g., squealed, jumped, moaned). It's lovely to see your time adverbial at the start of a sentence (A few moments later), which helps move the story forward and gives your reader a sense of a shift in time. I want to find out more because you've cleverly left your story beginning showing us the cat waving its arms frantically in the 'flint-grey sky'. What will become of it, I wonder?
Let's read!
The Calamity - by Akshara