Description of a thunderstorm - by Aditi
Thank you for sharing your writing with us, Aditi. You have created the most beautiful tapestry of words to describe something so devastating. Each phrase and sentence follows on naturally from the previous one and you take the reader on a journey. The ending is particularly sad:
As each life was taken, thunder made its stand. Now all that’s left of the once-known land is its stories and human remains.
A huge well done!
Description of a thunderstorm
Thunder and lightning strike upon every neighbourhood across the galaxy as the hurricane winds blow all around the world; not a sign of peace anywhere. Dreadful screams come across the land as not a wink of sleep comes to a child. Coyote howls seem to whisper from every angle. Thunder and lightning set houses on fire as mothers grab a hold of their loved ones. The horrendously vicious winds stop at nothing and demolish everything in its path. People run for their lives as the lightning hunts every last living organism down. The hail is so sharp that it could chop of your finger in just a second of collision. Babies’ cries shatter every glass in range. Farmers grab hold of all animals as lightning lights everything on fire with its sharp strikes of energy. Not a sign of hope anywhere. As each life was taken, thunder made its stand. Now all that’s left of the once-known land is its stories and human remains.