Describing character and setting - by Leo
Thanks you for sharing your super writing, Leo! It's super-duper!
He has elf like ears, a twitching nose and a crooked stare. Between his unsightly ears, his piercing, shamrock-green eyes stare intently at the lapis lazuli. Enchantment can be seen in his gaze.
You have used excellent vocabulary here. You have used prepositions to show where things are, and you have used compound colours. You have also used ‘intently’ as an adverb and a powerful verb ‘twitching’. Well done!
Deep down into the forest, not far away from the city there was a tree with a soul. Every year many people would descend on the phosphorescent lake that was next to the tree with a soul.
Wow! Another superb couple of sentences because you have used adverbial phrases at the beginning of the sentence to show time and place, and your ideas are intriguing! Top job.